When you go out with friends, you certainly like to have a drink.
A beer, a caipirinha, whatever. It is a time of conviviality and sharing.
"...Know your blood alcohol level at any time!..."
The most important thing is to always have a responsible attitude and never get in the car and drive when you've had too much to drink, but how do you know if you've drunk too much or not? Simple! Thanks to this Digital Alcohol Test!
You no longer need to do fours or walk in a straight line.
Simply turn on the alcohol test and blow into the pickup so that the expelled air can be analyzed.
Lightweight, you can take it with you everywhere or always have it in the car.
Rest assured thanks to this Digital Alcohol Test!
Ideal for avoiding fines.
Ideal for avoiding danger when driving.
Easy to carry in your pocket.
LCD display
With 5 mouthpieces
With audible alarm and illuminated screen (Red)
Shows "Caution" when the result is within 0.02% - 0.05%, not to include 0.05%.
Shows "Danger" when the result is equal to or greater than 0.05
Detects alcohol consumption on your breath in seconds.
The Breathalyzer uses 2 AAA batteries (batteries not included).
Resolution: l / 0.1 g or 0.01% BAC.
Range: 0.00 - 0.19% BAC & 0.0-1.9g/l.
Automatically turns off.
How to use:
1- When the heating time ends (10 seconds), you will see the "BLOW" symbol and a countdown from 10-0, indicating that the device is in test mode;
2- Bring the mouthpiece closer and blow for 3-5 seconds;
3- Read the test result that will be displayed on the display;
4- The “CAUTION” symbol appears on the screen if the blood alcohol concentration is between 0.02% BAC (or 0.2g/l) and 0.05 %BAC (or 0.5g/l);
5- The “DANGER” symbol appears on the screen if the blood alcohol concentration is equal to or greater than 0.05% BAC (or 0.5g/l)